Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Star Wars and the 3D kick

   Just a few days after Disney announced that J.J. Abrams has been signed to direct the next "Star Wars" movie, it announced that it will stop work on the 3D versions of "Star Wars" Episodes II and III, and focus on the new film.
     This is a good move for Disney. Altough the novelty of 3D media excited many at first, so far the results are lackluster. Films that release in 3D have to also release in standard format because many people would rather not see it in 3D. Stereoscopic images can strain the eyes give headaches to some, and many simply don't want to want to fork out the extra money.
    3D media is a good concept---it has potential to draw the viewer into the story more completely. However, most films' 3D versions barely add any depth and ultimately aren't that different from the standard format. Filmmakers can't help this because stereoscopic images strain the eyes more at greater depths. If you can't achieve the storytelling benefits from the technology, you should either wait until the technology improves to meet your needs, or develop it yourself. What we really need are hologram films---ones that can really immerse the audience in the story. Art is about making a connection between the artist and the viewer, and sharing something---communicating something. The more completely you can do that, the more successful the art is.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Anticipate the change you bring

   When new technology develops, it tints the flavor of culture. While it is important to consider the impact our ideas and innovations will have on the world, we should not let every predicted side effect scare us out of  trying something bold.
    Change is inevitable. Our culture assimilates ideas from all around us, and refuses to become stagnant. We can only hope to guide the change in an enlightened direction. Every change will leave someone with the small half of the cookie---the trick is to bring the most benefit to the most people.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

It begins!

   Welcome to me. A lot of people call me Neo. Here is where I will publish my perspective as an artist, gamer, and programmer, on society and computing. Who wouldn't want to read that? Boring people, mostly,  and people afraid of opinions, video games, computers, and/or art.

     Let's start with today's thought---brace yourself and buckle down your preconceptions....
Video games are an artistic medium just as much as film and literature!
You.mind.blown = true;